Terence Falk Terence Falk


One winter I between Christmas and New Years, I decided to explore southern Maine….

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The Inventor…
Terence Falk Terence Falk

The Inventor…

My best friend, Rob, was an amazing inventor. He was the one that originally showed me photography…

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The Dentist …
Terence Falk Terence Falk

The Dentist …

As a child I had this insatiable need to study every living thing I could get my hands on where I lived, near the shore in Connecticut.

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The Fisherwoman…
Terence Falk Terence Falk

The Fisherwoman…

My mother, the original artist in the family, was an incredibly multi-talented person. Besides raising three children, she loved the sea and was known along the Connecticut shoreline as “Bluefish Patty” winning awards for her prowess catching these angry fish.

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